The One Task that is Never unDONE.

Last week during naptime, I cleaned my windows. 10 minutes later, four chubby, sticky hands found the clean windows.

Every evening, and a few times throughout the day, I clean up toys in the family room. Each time I pick up, the toys end up all over the floor again.

I do laundry until the laundry baskets are empty. By that evening, they are partially filled with dirty laundry. (We won’t discuss the piles of clean, folded laundry that set around my house for weeks) 🙂

Every task I do is easily undone. By children. So, it’s not difficult to undo my work.

But the one task I can do that cannot be undone is the task I MUST schedule into my day. That task is time with the Lord.

In Luke 10 Jesus visits Mary and Martha. Martha is busily being a hostess to her guests while Mary is sitting at Jesus’ feet, listening to Him teach. Martha, like any stressed out hostess (because, what hostess isn’t at least a little stressed out?!), complains about her help. But, she complained to Jesus. Can you imagine how upset she was to complain to Jesus about her sister? She was steamed, I’m sure.

Jesus answers Martha with an affectionate answer, not in anger, and says to her, “Martha, you’re worried about too much. Mary has chosen the best thing and it won’t be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41).

While Martha’s choice wasn’t bad, it wasn’t the BEST, and it would just be over with at some point. (just like cake for breakfast isn’t a bad choice, it’s just probably not the best.. 🙂
Jesus said that Mary made the choice to listen to him, to learn from him, and that her choice wouldn’t be undone.

Of all the tasks I do each day, each one is undone by the next day (usually within an hour of the boys waking up). But the one thing that cannot be undone is my time with God.

I don’t know about you, but I have to schedule it. I’ve found that if I don’t make time for it, it won’t happen – there are too many other tasks to undo ;). But God promises this: His word will not return void (Is 55:11). Whatever we study, whatever we read, God will use it in our lives.

I want to to be said of me that I made the best choice. I want to do something that won’t be undone.

Is 55:11 – “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

All Kinds of Things

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